milk contour

Move over Latte Art, Milk Contour is the Latest Trend in Coffee

Forget about hearts and flowers, it’s all about milk contouring in your coffee now.

What is Milk Contouring?

Milk contouring is the latest trend in coffee making, where baristas carefully pour steamed milk into espresso to create intricate designs and patterns on top of the drink.

How is it Different from Latte Art?

While latte art focuses on creating shapes and designs on the surface of a coffee drink, milk contouring involves creating three-dimensional designs that really stand out.

Why is it Gaining Popularity?

Coffee lovers are always looking for new and creative ways to enjoy their favorite drink, and milk contouring adds an extra layer of fun and excitement to the coffee drinking experience.

How to Try it at Home?

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try milk contouring at home by practicing your pouring technique with steamed milk and espresso. Just remember, it takes time and practice to master the art of milk contouring.

So, next time you order a coffee, ask your barista to whip up a milk contour design for you to enjoy. Who knows, you may just discover a new favorite way to enjoy your daily caffeine fix.

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